Descriptive Writing Prep

Below are some pictures to choose from for prep.

You need to use your chosen picture as the starting point for a piece of descriptive writing.

As we did in class, you need to focus on DVDS (Devices, Vocabulary, Design and Senses) and you need to zoom in one particular feature.

For example, using the mountain picture, you could start by describing the view, then move to the area around the cabin, zoom in on the cabin itself and then move into the cabin.

Using the picture of the steps, you could start by describing the wood, then zoom in on the steps and then choose a set of steps and describe climbing them.

Have a look at the other resources in the ‘KS3’ section of the blog for extra help and do remember that you can post comments on the Yammer Clinic Group if you get stuck with anything.

Beach Hut Mountain Cabin Stairs

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